Why do I paint?

A lot of people ask this question...why do artists paint? Some have the feeling they ‘must’, some do it for relaxation, others just because they enjoy it.
Why do I paint, I wondered.....of course because I enjoy it, and
to add a little bit of beauty to our lives and make it more tangible than just the fleeting moments it usually appears in.

Detail of a work in progress.
Dream, oil, 30x40cm


  1. well, i started learning how to paint for the kids, in my school, after this, i paint when i'm impressed by a subject, i love making it looks alive... love to be perfect in painting (which i;m not, but i try)

  2. Your work is amazing. Unbelievable.

  3. Talk about detail, wow!
    I paint because every painting is like a puzzle, and when I finish a painting, it's like I completed the puzzle.

  4. Stunning work in progress! I love your reason for painting. I too want to add beauty into the World:)

  5. This wip is stunning. I paint because it makes me happy.

  6. Thanks for all your great comments! I suppose when it comes down to it, we’re all just simply enjoying painting!

  7. I love how you captured those freckles and skin texture in your WIP!


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