Work in Progress - fabrics

Currently on the easel
More fabrics in a pile. An exercise in whites or neutrals, a challenge of textures and a whole lot of fun to do!
It hasn’t got a title yet, but its oil and 60x40cm.


  1. You have such a talent for creating beautiful art from something which should be quite prosaic.

    I was trying to think what it is about linen on the washing line of folded like this and I think it is something to do with its associations. When either is done, it means the weather has been clement enough for drying and I have finished my work and can relax.

  2. I love the colors in this piece and the fact that it's merely a stack of folded fabric makes it even more impressive to me. I have a problem coming up with ideas for paintings and it seems like it is effortless for you. I really do like your paintings of fabrics.

  3. thanks so much Bella. I suppose that is part of the fun; make something beautiful out of something ordinary.

    Thanks Maddyrose. I must admit I never have your problem, LOL...too many painting ideas to paint! Keep looking around and soon you’ll see paintings in everything.


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